14 August 2015

Jour de Fete

Bonsoir Mes Amis,

I would like to thank each of you who made me feel so welcome at Ste Genevieve's annual Jour de Fete.  It is unfortunate that, after about 2:00 pm on Saturday I may have forgotten a few names and I would hate to leave anyone out, so, please accept my MERCI BEAUCOUP! It was quite the event:

And where was The Artist during the festivities? She was hawking her wares (hand-dyed scarves and t-shirts)  in front of a local shop, Whatnots and Oddities!  

I attempted to impress upon her the inappropriate nature of selling her work on the street but she actually petted me on the head while mumbling about the rising cost of litter and food.  Yes, this is what I must endure too often.  I'm sure you now understand why I was spending my time in the more gentile pursuit of socializing. 

Since then, The Studio is being taken over by black birds.  The Studio Assistant and I are drawn to birds of many kinds (there are often particularly tasty-looking doves outside out break-room windows) but these black birds are made of felt.  Hopefully they will be assembled soon so they can be considered marketable because, as they are, I personally consider them useless.

Until then, 
Respectfully submitted, 

Studio Supervisor

02 August 2015

The Artist Reports

Bonjour Mes Amis,

    This week we have been regaled with reports and pictures from The Artist's recent visit to Washington, DC.  I will spare you the regaling and just present images with appropriate comments of mine.  First, photos of The Artist, suitably dressed for once, with her artwork:
Honey and I are quite proud to see our
work displayed. This is titled
"Love One Another"

The Artist and the artwork,
"God, Abram, and a Starry Night"
will not both fit in the frame.
I chose to eliminate The Artist  
The exhibition was SACRED THREADS.  It is a biennial and we here at The Studio are
proud to say that this is the second time our work has been selected to be a small part of this prestigious event.  The liturgical banner was one of 35 that hang in the sanctuary of 
Floris United Methodist Church, where they will remain until October.

It did not surprise the staff that The Artist wandered hither and yon as she is wont to do. 
Some of her photos are quite pleasant:
Here George and Martha, other guests at The Artist's
lodging place, discuss The Artist's plan for the evening.
The evening plans included visiting
some of our national monuments.

This is the Washington National Cathedral,
where members of her BFF's home church were
honored to participate in a service that coincided
with the ladies' visit
Inside the Cathedral; Honey is especially
taken with the colorful light.
Lastly, here is The Artist working in The Congressional Cemetery.  The grave she is 
working with (she would like me to note that she received permission before
proceeding) is that of John Phillip Sousa, composer of many of my favorite marches.  
I am very interested in her plans for this work.  She also has a rubbing from 
the grave of Matthew Brady, one of the first photo journalists.


Respectfully submitted,

Studio Supervisor
2 August 2015

Post script: I am aware I am 2 days late in this submission,